When thinking about my gallery wall, I knew that I wanted to include some things that weren't photographs. Lily's room was our guest room prior to being a nursery. The decor was white on white/shabby chic. I still have fond memories of that room and hope to recreate it someday. Most of the stuff is tucked away in our attic. Once Ethan goes away to college in a few years, his room might be taken over by his decorating stepmom...don't tell him. Anyway...a lot of the stuff that used to hang on the walls in that room have been painted black and are now used on the new gallery wall.
Here's the wall again...in case you forgot. That spot on the ceiling still
isn't fixed. I chose to nap instead of patch. |
This is one of the things I purchased. I found it on Etsy. I'll include
a link to the seller at the end of this post. This is my first attempt
at applying vinyl. It was easy peasy to do! |
I made this little 5x7 canvas with a bunch of stuff
I had around the house. The canvas used to hang
in the master bath. I first painted it white and then
Mod Podged a piece of black and white
scrapbook paper to the front of it. I decided that
the white part of the paper was just too white, so
I used a little more Mod Podge tinted with instant
coffee to "antique" it. I wrapped black velvet
ribbon around the canvas and made a little
loopy bow for the top. The singed edged flower
is another little fun thing I make. I'll provide a link
on how to make these at the end of this post.
I was happy with how it turned out...and it
was basically FREE! |
I LOVE how this turned out. I really like the texture of burlap.
I found this frame in the basement. I might have "inherited" it
with the marriage...not sure where it came from. It was white.
Gotta love spray paint. I bought the big T at Michael's.
I used spray adhesive to glue the burlap to a piece of cardboard
I cut to use as a backing. The T is hot glued to the burlap. |
I found this cute little frame with matte at
Wal-Mart for $3!!!! Perfect for Lily's
teeny tiny baby foot and handprints. |
I love this! I bought a frame that holds three 4X6 photos. I think I got
it at Target. I found the numbers on a photographer's Flickr site.
He also has great letters! I'll post pictures of what I made with
those in a few days. Oh...and by the way, the 6-5-4 stands for
our anniversary, June 5, 2004. |
This is a family picture we had taken was Lily was 6 months old.
(I think it's time for a new one!!!) The original is in color. I just plopped
it on my printer and made a black and white copy of it. I use matte finish
photo paper but I think cardstock would work too. |
This photo is of my precious daughter, taken just after her open heart
surgery. I asked Mark if it was weird to put it on the wall. We know that she
is a MIRACLE...so on the wall it went!
here to visit the Etsy shop where I found the vinyl saying. FYI...this company was GREAT to work with, but while looking to find it for this post, I found the same vinyl for $2 less.
For how to make singed flowers,
click here. I have a hard time using a candle, so I use a lighter. I also hand sew all my flowers rather than glue.
This is wonderful! Would you come to KC and do a wall for me?!